ADRINET closing event online
23 December 2020
ADRINET closing event online

The final dissemination event of ADRINET project, organized by the Lead Partner University of Bari, was held on-line yesterday, to present and promote project results. 

After the welcome speech on behalf of the Rector of the University of Bari, the Chief of the Programme Managing Authority, Mr. Crescenzo Antonio Marino, addressed participants and explained the vision of the future Interreg Italy-Albania-Montenegro Programme.

Two thematic round-tables took place, focused on different aspects of the project implementation: the first discussed about the "Scientific findings of the ADRINET Project: from transborder lab analysis to practical tools for preserving marine ecosystem". A second panel of speakers discussed about "Involving fishermen and local communities: ADRINET approach in tackling the ghost-fishing issue and in promoting sustainable fishing policies among stakeholders".

The last session of the public event consisted in remarks and comments "Beyond ADRINET: lesson learned, the impact of COVID-19 pandemic, future paths for cooperation and micro-plastics as new threat to be addressed in the coming years", where the Project Officer Chiara Campanile, representative of the Joint Secretariat, addressed the audience informing on the next possible scenario in co-operation withing the three Countries of the Programme Area.

The conference was followed on-line by hundreds of participants and recorded for further dissemination.

A final session - open to Project Partners only - was held in the afternoon. 

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Stefano Bronzini
Rector, University of Bari
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Crescenzo Antonio Marino
Chief of the Managing Authority Interreg IPA CBC Italy Albania Montenegro
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Domenico Otranto
Director of DIMEV, University of Bari
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Marilia Tantillo
ADRINET Scientific Coordinator, University of Bari
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Elisabetta Bonerba
Project Leader, University of Bari
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Bizena Bijo
AUT - Agricultural University of TIrana
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Dragana Drakulović
UCG - University of Montenegro, Institute of Marine Biology
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Alberto Antonio Capraro
Municipality of Castro
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Ervis Mocka
Regional Council of Vlora
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Ivan Otovic
Municipality of Herceg Novi
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Valentina Terio
University of Bari
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Chiara Campanile
Joint Secretariat, Interreg IPA CBC Italy Albania Montenegro
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Elvira Tarsitano
University of Bari