

A wide range of outputs was delivered by the Project, according to its methodology consisting in a bottom-up approach and in the coexistence of 1 scientific partner and 1 Local Authority (LA) in each Country to carry out the same activities. For, the same outputs were basically planned to be carried out in the same way in the 3 programme areas.

The gathering of scientific data was the starting point and consisted in detailed reports on sea conditions in the project areas, in studies on fishing best practices, and in a ERMP (Environmental Risk Management Plan). All these activities were clearly linked to the need of getting up-to-date information to allow a better planning for the future. Every LA established a Centre of Reference for fishermen, as a physical facility set to involve fishermen and communities on the topic, allowing a multi-level approach on it. The result of the scientific activities and of the community empowerment was a Joint Coastal Management Tool, encompassing surveys, community maps, a protocol signed by PPs, and multi-language handbooks. The protocol was shared outside the partnership in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding to 21 further stakeholders.

Three ghost-nets removal campaigns were performed in each country and a common traceability system was put in place through the endowment of fishing equipment with RFID micro-chips. All results are accessible to scientific and local communities, as they are conceived to last and to be available indefinitely (beyond project lifetime). All of them are linked with the Programme output, as they cumulatively put in place a strategy to increase cross-border cooperation on water landscapes.

In 2022, ADRINET was selected among the projects suitable for capitalisation actionsemerging risks and opportunities disclosed by ADRINET were now analyzed and debated within ADRINET PLUS, with the aim of capitalizing and disseminating results, methodologies, and knowledge raised in the last three years and now available for new takers and users in the South-Adriatic region. The summary of the implemented activities and achieved outputs is now available for consultation below, in the "capitalisation achievements" file.