"Professional Skills in the Blue Economy Field: from the Successful Experiences within the Interreg Italy Albania Montenegro to the Creation of New Academic Paths" is the title of the second workshop organized within the ADRINET PLUS capitalization activities on the 21st of February. The event is aimed at disseminating ADRINET findings about the coastal management and the creation of a new kind of professionals, able to merge social and scientific knowledge to address the issues related to the marine ecosystems.
The workshop will be held at the Aula Magna of the Veterinary Medicine Campus in Valenzano (BA), from 12 (noon) to 6 pm. The schedule of the event foresees the following participants:
From 12.15, a crossborder perspective about the state of the art in academic training will be given by the three University Partners involved in ADRINET:
- Elisabetta Bonerba, ADRINET Project Leader: Sustainability in Fishing as a Complex Issue: the Experience of ADRINET about the Need of Interdisciplinarity
- Aleksandra Huter, University of Montenegro - Institute for Marine Biology: Enhancing Academic Multidisciplinarity for the Coastal Management: the Perspective of Montenegro
- Fatmira Shehu, Agriculture University of Tirana: Enhancing Academic Multidisciplinarity for the Coastal Management: the Perspective of Albania.
13:00 Lunch.
14:30 Introduction by the Director of the DIMEV, Nicola Decaro.
15:00 Panel of speakers chaired by Valentina Terio, UNIBA, who will introduce the topic:
- Giuseppina Tantillo, UNIBA: ADRINET: Sharing Experiences and Knowledge in the Wide World of Blue Economy
- Stefano Piraino, Università del Salento: Marine Litters' Impact on the Coastal Areas: the Experience of WELCOME (PLUS)
- Andrea Toso, CONISMA: Management, Cooperation, and Impact of Small Fishing along the Apulian Coast between Otranto and Leuca. The BON-SEA Experience
- Massimo Zuccaro, CIHEAM: Capacity Building for the Sustainable Development of Coastal Communities
Q&A session.